Jen Shanks Counselling


Welcome to

Jen Shanks Counselling

A confidential space to explore the thoughts, feelings and challenges in your life

Welcome, and thank you for visiting. My name is Jen and I am a counsellor working on the Isle of Skye and online.

Counselling and therapy in a safe, comfortable and private setting

If you have found this page, you may be curious about what counselling is all about. You may have had counselling in the past, but would like to know a bit about what kind of counselling I offer – no two counsellors will give you the same experience, so it is important that you find the counsellor that is the right fit for you.

To help you figure out if that’s me, I’ve included some information about myself and my counselling approach. If you still have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch using the contact form. I am happy to answer any questions.

The kind of counselling I offer is called Person-Centred Therapy, which comes under the Humanistic school of Psychotherapy. What this really means is that I believe that you are the expert of your own experience. I believe that we all have the capacity within ourselves to live full and fulfilling lives, even when that may seem impossible. Between your expert knowledge of your own life, and my understanding of the person-centred approach, we will work collaboratively to help you move through whatever is restricting you.


Confidentiality is at the heart of the therapeutic relationship. The work we do can not be successful without you trusting that I value your confidentiality. I am enrolled with the ICO, fully GDPR compliant and place the utmost importance on ensuring that your data is secure. You can access my full privacy policy at the foot of this page.

As a member of BACP, I am required to have monthly supervision with a counselling supervisor. This is to ensure I am a capable and ethically sound counsellor, and it keeps both you and me safe. In the course of this, I discuss matters which have arisen within our work, but I don't use names, nor do I share details which may identify anyone. Furthermore, my supervisor is bound by the same rules of confidentiality as I am.

All that we discuss is entirely confidential, bar limited exceptions where I may be required to talk to a third party. Examples of these include where I believe that you may be at risk of harming yourself or others, although I would always seek to discuss any potential confidentiality breach with you first wherever possible.

Membership no: 00983076

What issues can counselling help with?

People come to me for help with a wide range of issues. Here are a few of the more common difficulties that can be supported through counselling:




Relationship problems

Problems with confidence or self-esteem



Problems with addiction


Post-traumatic stress

Grief, loss or bereavement


Work or retirement

Finding the right words

Family life


If you’ve found yourself here because you are at crisis point, and at risk of harm, please be aware that I cannot offer a crisis response service. Please use the link below for a list of resources available to you right now. You do not need to feel suicidal to access Samaritans, and they are available 24/7.

Getting help in a mental health crisis - Mind

About me

Having been a stay-at-home parent for a number of years, I felt a strong desire to go back to work in a way that was of value to myself and to the community I live in. Training to become a counsellor has offered me the chance to do work which I find endlessly interesting, challenging and fulfilling, and at the same time provide a vital service in our particular corner of the world.

Tha Gàidhlig agam agus bhithinn ro dheònach a bhith ag obair còmhla riut sa Ghàidhlig.

I hold the following relevant qualifications, as well as undertaking regular CPD (continuous professional development) to ensure that I am offering the best of myself.

  • COSCA Counselling Skills Certificate - University of the Highlands and Islands
  • DipHE Person-Centred Counselling & Psychotherapy - University of the Highlands and Islands
  • Certificate in Online & Telephone Counselling (Counselling Tutor)
  • How to do Counselling Online (Open University)

Location & availability

I am able to meet clients face-to-face in premises in both Portree and Staffin, as well as remotely online or on the telephone. My current working days are Wednesday and Thursday.

Appointments & fees

Sessions can be conducted face-to-face, online or on the phone, and last for 50 minutes. We would meet on a regular basis- this can mean weekly, fortnightly or even monthly. Each session costs £45, payable 24 hours in advance.

Sometimes a few sessions may be enough for some people to move forwards in a way that makes a positive impact on their lives. For others, it can take longer. It is always important to have an end in mind, however, as the purpose of our work is to help you find your own answers, not to create a habit or simply a space to chat.

The work we do can be really hard, and can cause you to feel more pain during the process. Ultimately, though, it can be transformational and change your relationship with yourself in a powerful way.


Please use the form opposite to contact me with any queries, or send an email to

My phone number is 07376 732141, but please be aware that this phone may be switched off. However, you are very welcome to leave a voice message or send a text, and I will get back to you.

My practice complies with the BACP Ethical Framework for Good Practice in Counselling and Psychotherapy. In the event of a complaint, I would hope that you would feel able to address this with me directly. If this does not feel possible, please contact for further guidance.

Please note - I aim to get back to all inquiries within 2 working days.

© Jennifer Shanks

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